This is a great raffle opportunity to help wounded soldiers and to upgrade your fly fishing arsenal. Hi all! I have been super busy selling and building nets. I had to force myself to sit down and tell you about the raffle I am doing again this year. Some buddies of mine and I got together and are raffling off a whole custom fly fishing setup! Check out the pictures of the Redwood burl net I posted below. This raffle benefits Project Healing Waters and Casting for Recovery. Being a Veteran myself, PWH is close to my heart, and last year I had the privilege of presenting a check for $1,800.00 to the local chapter of PHW.
ATTENTION: PayPal has been added so the raffle deadline is September 29th!!!!!
For payPal please go to Click "Send Money" and type in
This just may be a once in a lifetime raffle!!!! Yes it might be a lengthly post, but trust me you want to read the entire post;) I have been extremely fortunate to team up with two of the best Artisans, in their prospective fields, to create a "Super Raffle" for the newly formed Southern California chapter of "Casting for Recovery" and "Project Healing Waters"
Unfamilar with these two top shelf charities? Well, Casting for Recovery provides weekend retreats for breast cancer suvivors and Project Healing Waters provides Fly Fishing retreats for disabled Veterans. They also teach injured vets, some with only 1 hand, how to tie flies. They both have one goal in mind: To provide the participants with a time of healing and recovery. Can you think of any better charities to donate too, all while having an opportunity to win the fly fisherman's dream package?
First the raffle details and then pictures of the goodies.
Tickets: $10.00 each
Drawing Date: September 29th. Extended till October 4th 2013 Via a random number generator.
Donation Method: Cash or checks made out to the SSFFC
(Southern Sierra Fly Fishers Club)
Address: SSFFC c/o Pete Emmel/ 7775 Yesal Ave./ Atascadero/ Ca./ 93422
Why no PayPal? PayPal charges 2.2% + $.30 per transaction. This donation will not be like typical donations. All monies collected will go directly to the charities. In other words; no waste.
Greg Madrigal of and Gary Silveira of have donated two of their beautiful works of functional art to support these worthy causes. Renaissance Rods has donated a custom 3-4 weight, 7', two piece rod. The rod will be protected by a custom "Renaissance Rods" rod tube and rod sock.
Now for the goodies. Try not to drool on your keyboard. Lots of pictures coming below :)
Greg Madrigal of ( donated this beautiful Iron Redwood Burl, Mahogany & Wenge custom fly fishing net. There are copper inlays in some of the open burl eyes. It is still in it's finishing stages but will be ready for the raffle!
Gary, the owner of Western Vision Lanyards took a look at the rod and net then created this color coordinated beauty to match them both. And yes, the beads are actual Agate stones along with Olive wood and Bamboo beads. Gary's lanyards are not only beautiful to look at, they are 100% functional. In other words designed by a fly fisherman for fly fishermen. Visit Gary at:

And last but, not least the Bamboo rod. This is my favorite taper. It has a hinge designed into its taper to make roll casting extremely user friendly. The rod is a two piece, 7', 3-4 weight. The wraps are silk Antique Gold with Black tipping. The seat is machined out of aluminum and polished, the seat insert is stablized Maple Burl and the stripping Agate is striped Amber Agate. A "Renaissance Rods" aluminum black & gold rod tube and custon rod sock protects the rod.
Save your pennies and buy several tickets. Our goal is at least 400 tickets, or $2,000 per charity. Please help us reach our goal.
Remember make your checks out to SSFFC. Then send the check to:
SSFFC c/o Pete Emmel
7775 Yesal Ave.
Atascadero, Ca. 93422